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Chinese translation for "absolute alcohol"


Related Translations:
alcohol:  n.1.【化学】醇;乙醇,酒精。2.含酒精饮料。短语和例子absolute alcohol 无水酒精。 He does not touch alcohol. 他不喝酒。
ethyl alcohol:  乙醇。
pentyl alcohol:  戊醇。
wood alcohol:  【化学】甲醇,木醇。
grain alcohol:  乙醇,酒精。
methyl alcohol:  甲醇,木醇。
lauryl alcohol:  【化学】十二(烷)醇。
butyl alcohol:  丁醇。
vinyl alcohol:  乙烯醇。
absolute:  adj.1.绝对的 (opp. relative, comparative); 完全的,纯粹的。2.无条件的,无限制的。3.专制的,独裁的,独行的,独断的。4.确实的,肯定的。5.【语法】独立的,游离的。短语和例子absolute truth 绝对真理。 absolute liberty 无限自由。 an absolute ruler 专制君主。 absolute proo
Example Sentences:
1.Absolute alcohol injection in treating hepatic cysts by transcutaneous cannulation
2.The dark purple powder color is soluble in water and solution of water and alcohol , but insoluble in oil and absolute alcohol
3.Method : experimental rat gastric ulcer models including waterlogging stress - restraint ulcer , pyloric ligation induced ulcer , indomethacin induced gastric mucosa injury and absolute alcohol induced gastric mucosa ulcer were used in this experiment
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